Osman Akan

Color array: public art dichroic glass sculpture

DBGsculpture2 DBGsculpture1 DBGsculpture3 I was very pleasantly surprised by the appearance of Osman Akan's "Albedo" artwork when I last stopped by the Denver Botanic Gardens. It enlivens the two-story atrium area of a new parking structure, even on an overcast evening.Created of dichroic glass, the color palette of the sculpture changes with the light and as the viewer walks through the space. It has a nice arching form and is an engaging and wonderful addition to the building. Landscaping was not complete when I took these photos, so I imagine it will look even better next time I visit.The dichroic glass panels remind me of an array of color chips (like my old Pantone® color specifier!), except that they keep modulating with the elements and your position.