
Synthetic cubism

My website was recently added to the directory of collage artists and collage-related sites. It's great to be included among so many amazing collage artists. This resource is worth some serious web-surfing to see the range of work being done in the collage medium.Janice_mcdonald.foundling019 Painter and collage artist Jonathan Talbot wrote about my work, "The collages of Janice McDonald are inspired, in part, by synthetic cubism and other 20th Century art movements." I'd never assessed my work quite that way but found his comment appropriate to much, if not all, of my work. (I was fortunate to study with Jonathan at his studio in 2001 and often recommend his book, "Collage: A New Approach.")I see cubism most obviously influencing my figurative work like collages from the Foundling Series. This is number 19 in the series of small works, measuring 7 x 5."