
Uprooted & installed again: collage commission 6

rootedtogether.overview             Well, the decision was made to uproot "Rooted Together" and move the collage to the adjacent wood-paneled wall. The wood frames it nicely but I wish the metallic lines didn't intersect the piece. If I had known it was going to be placed there, I would have made the collage as one piece, rather than on four panels.Most people will never know it wasn't intended to go there though. And the client is the ultimate "decider." Hopefully many people, strolling by, will enjoy it. This location does allow people to approach the collage more closely for a look at the details."Rooted Together," close up on modular wooden wall.

Collage finished and approved... hooray!

Jmcdonald.waterfalltriptychThe triptych collage was recently approved by the art consultant and interior designer. At left is a view of the finished original collage. Each panel measures one foot by one foot.Here's a link to the last photo taken while it was underway, in the kitchen — where I'd moved everything so I could walk around three sides to mull over the collage under strong light, and add the finishing touches.Lately I've been posting more process photos to my Facebook page so if that's a good way for you to view my work, I'd love it if you'd "like" me there too. Click here to go there! I appreciate your interest.